Finding Peace in a Frantic World
This is an introduction to Mindfulness or a refresher for anyone who would like to reconnect with their practice.
Format: 8 sessions lasting 1 hour 30 minutes each.
What will you learn?
FPFW is an introductory skills-based course rather than group therapy. It cultivates the following understandings:
Recognition of the tendency to be on automatic pilot, which can rob us of our potential for living life more fully. We begin to practice stepping out of automatic pilot by bringing mindfulness to aspects of everyday present-moment experience that we might normally overlook.
With greater awareness, we begin to notice how often we are lost in our thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness of the body and breathing helps us learn to recognize our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and impulses, gather the scattered mind, and return with appreciation to the here and now.
We learn that when our attention is caught up in the past or the future, we can get trapped in unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. Mindfulness helps us recognize these automatic reactions, understand them as normal human experiences, and bring kindness and compassion to them.
As we cultivate attitudes of interest and friendliness toward all of our experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant, we learn skills for keeping our balance through life’s ups and downs, responding skilfully when difficulties arise, engaging with what is most important to us, and opening up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude. We learn to flourish.